Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Due to the "spam" received from Blogger itself -- this blog will be discontinued.

I will not delete it until I have set up another Blogg on a different site. You will
be notified of the address of that Blogg.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sugar poisons your blood!

At this time of the year we probably don't want to hear this but Christmas is the time when
we consume excess sugar, in drinks, baking, and sweets in general.

The drinking of acidic sugary beverages like soda pops may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, suggests new research. Although the exact mechanisms aren't known, the symptoms of obesity and diabetes are both associated with higher incidences of Alzheimer's.

Ling Li and her colleagues tested whether high sugar consumption in an otherwise normal diet would affect Alzheimer's progression.They used a genetic mouse model that develops Alzheimer's-like symptoms in adulthood, and over a 25 week period supplemented the regular, balanced diet of half the animals with 10% sugar water. Afterwards, they compared the metabolism, memory skills (by means of various mazes) and brain composition of the regular and sugar-fed mice.The acidic sugar-fed mice gained about 17% more weight than controls to buffer the excess acidity, had higher cholesterol levels, and developed insulin resistance. These mice also had worse learning and memory retention and their brains contained over twice as many amyloid acidic plaque deposits, an anatomical hallmark of Alzheimer's.Although the researchers were not certain if the increased mental impairment resulted specifically from the higher sugar intake or higher calories in general, these results to highlight the potential risk of ingesting any form of the acid called sugar. They note that the human equivalent of the mouse diet would be roughly 5 cans of soda pop per day, although since mice have a higher metabolism, it may actually take less sugar intake in humans.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, at the pH MiracleLiving Center, "Alzheimer's is a direct result of dietary and metabolic acids fermenting or spoiling brain cells. Any sugar, including sucrose, fructose,maltose, dextrose, etc., have the potential to spoil or breakdown healthy cells, including brain cells leading to dementia.""The cure for dementia, including Alzheimer's is to maintain the alkaline design of the body and especially the brain. Sugar is an acidic poison that rots the brain. The breakdown products of sugar are acetylaldehyde and ethanol alcohol, two very strong nuero-toxins. If you want to have healthy blood, a healthy brain and a healthy body then you must stay away from eating or drinking any form of sugar," states Dr. Young.

Yes, it's your choice as to how much you indulge this Christmas, however, we want it to be happy for years to come!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What is Live Cell Blood Analysis?

I get asked this question quite frequently. So today I will try to give you an overview
of my work with the blood.
Nutritional Live Cell Blood Analysis (NLBCA) involves he examination of a fresh drop of living blood under a high-power video-microscope that has a closed circuit video system. This projects the microscopic image onto a computer screen for simultaneous viewing by both the technician and the client. It is technically referred to as Dark field-Microscope Wet-Mount Examination of a Peripheral Blood Smear.

This is an excellent means of viewing by microscope the red blood cells, various types of white blood cells, platelets, and blood plasma, just as they function in the body. This analysis is a screeening test, using darkfield, 3 dimensional DIC, phase contrast and brightfield microscopy for the purpose of observing various conditions of your blood.

A drop of blood is taken from your finger and placed on a microscope slide for viewing. This drop of blood is magnified 1,000 times and then as a trained examiner, I can make observations as to the presence of: (yeast, fungus, parasites, and bacteria) active somewhere in your body, also damaged cells, cholesterol crystals, and uric acid crystals can then be identified.
The size and shape of red blood cedlls indicate nutritional deficiences, digestive problems, absorption problems, and the damaging effects of free radicals. Organ malfunction is also evident in this analysis.

This analysis is also excellent for determining whether the supplements you are taking
are benefiting your body.

For more information:

Sunday, December 2, 2007


The holidays are fast approaching, you may already be feeling the effects of all the planning and partying. If you want to stay balanced, relaxed and calm, it's necessary every so often to step back and decompress.
Treat yourself to a massage, meditate,
watch a movie, one that relaxes you and inspires you. Remember “things” will get
done – if they don’t it doesn’t matter!

Do you find that the demands on your time are overwhelming, don't be afraid to politely say "no" when someone asks you to do something. Learn your limits. You can't do it all and you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Be a little selfish once in a while by scheduling "me time" - it will help keep you in touch with yourself during the season ahead.

Watch your diet. Cut back as much as you can on “sweets”-- they stress the body. Over indulgence, whether it’s food or drink (the alcoholic kind) will make you tired. Drink lots of water --good water as alkaline as possible.
Get a little exercise –a nice walk will do. Embracing the Holiday Spirit is being who
you are with joy and grace.

Monday, November 19, 2007


This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is the best article I have ever seen written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm.

The author is Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health and she describes how the US health care system may contribute to poor health.

* 12,000 -- unnecessary surgery
* 7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals
* 20,000 -- other errors in hospitals
* 80,000 -- infections in hospitals
* 106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs
These total to 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!!

What does the word iatrogenic mean?
This term is defined as induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy.
Used especially of a complication of treatment.
Even with our Health Care System here in Canada, the
Percentages can’t be much better.

Take charge of your own health – be pro-active –
Investigate the alternatives.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Warning: Toxic chemical triclosan can turn your toothpaste into chloroform.

For years, I have warned people of the danger of personal care products. If you look at the ingredients manufacturers put in their products -- soaps, deodorants, toothpastes and so on -- you will be horrified. These ingredients are highly toxic and cause cancer. They promote leukemia, nervous system disorders and liver problems. Now, some new information has come from Virginia Tech. Researchers that have found that the chemical triclosan, which is found in a lot of antimicrobial soaps and toothpaste products, can react with chlorine in the tap water. Guess what you get? (This is the horrifying part.) Chloroform. This is a toxic chemical that can give you cancer. In the old movies, you might have seen someone give a person chloroform to knock them unconscious. If you breathe enough chloroform, you will die.
If you are brushing your teeth with toothpaste that has triclosan in it, and you are rinsing with tap water that has chlorine in it, you are getting a little chemical reaction right in your mouth. What a wonderful gift from the toothpaste manufacturers. That's not to mention that some of the toothpastes contain fluoride that isn't really fluoride but fluorosilicic acid, which is a toxic waste product that is molecularly similar to fluoride but has a much different effect on the human body -- a toxic effect. When you wash your hands with antibacterial soap that contains triclosan, you are getting the fumes emitted from this chemical reaction.

We need to return to simple non-toxic products for brushing our teeth. What about
sea salt and soda?

Thursday, November 1, 2007


If you’re female and have an unexplained persistent cough, you may be running short on iron. Researchers from Italy’s University of Turin came up with this finding on the basis of a small study of 16 women with chronic coughs that weren’t due to any identifiable health problems. Tests showed that all the women were iron deficient.

Supplements fixed that and also reduced or eliminated the coughing and related symptoms: swelling in the back of the mouth and red, inflamed mucous membranes. The researchers noted that women are more likely than men to have unexplained chronic coughs and, because of pregnancy and menstruation, are also more likely than men to be iron deficient. Iron helps regulate production of immune system proteins that control inflammation, so a deficiency can lead to inflammation in the upper airway and cause chronic coughing.

The study was presented at the scientific meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in October 2007. Don’t take iron supplements without being tested for a deficiency, particularly if you’re post-menopausal (or male). Iron accumulates in the body and can harm the heart.

Liquid iron supplements tend to be assimilated more readily.